Cellaviva Sverige December 1, 2020
What do atomic bombs and stem cells have in common?

What do atomic bombs and stem cells have in common?

The people exposed to nuclear fallout from the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II suffered catastrophic health problems long after the actual explosions, which led researchers (who were looking for cures) to make an incredible discovery.

Cellaviva Sverige November 16, 2020
Stem cells in study against type 1 diabetes in children

Stem cells in study against type 1 diabetes in children

“The results of this cell therapy are very promising and it has now been shown to be effective in type 1 diabetes in a randomized, placebo-controlled study in adults. We hope to see the same positive effect in children”, says Per-Ola Carlsson, Chief Physician and Professor at Uppsala University Hospital / Uppsala University

Cellaviva Sverige April 9, 2020
Umbilical cord stem cells can be used to treat more than 80 diseases

Umbilical cord stem cells can be used to treat more than 80 diseases

Stem cells can be found in abundance in places like bone marrow and fat tissue throughout our lives, but even stem cells age with our body. The youngest, more flexible stem cells in the body come from a newborn’s umbilical cord blood and tissue.

Prepare for the summer
Prepare for the summer

Are you expecting a summer child with a due date in the holiday season?

If you are planning to order our help with the collection, make sure to order well in advance of your due date.

We, like other companies, have limited staff during the holidays. We hope you can sympathise with this!