

Childbirth preparation

Pregnancy miniseries in collaboration with Dr. Hildur and Cellaviva

Pregnancy can be a very emotional experience and symptoms of anxiety during pregnancy and before childbirth are common. Even the time before pregnancy can be stressful with the pressure of getting pregnant or the anxiety of not succeeding. We want to increase the sense of security of pregnant women, in every way we can. In this series, we take the help of Dr Hildur, who has been an obstetrician since 2003 and a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics since 2012, and Pingis Hadenius, who with her entrepreneurial personality personifies many of parents-to-be today.

We hope to inspire you to feel calm before the birth, which is based on you getting to know your own body and its signals.

01. Introduction

Questions, expectations and practical exercises before the birth. Surprising information and an obstetrician far from the stereotype; Pingis and Dr Hildur guide us through a challenging and innovative miniseries focusing on the human body!

02. Marathon

A birth is mentally and physically stressful, both for the expectant mother and partner. But is it true that giving birth is like running a marathon? Are you going to prepare in the same way as before a race, or are there better ways?

03. Breathing

Breathing, movement and sound are three effective ways to get in touch with the body before childbirth. Learning and using different breathing techniques, prophylaxis, during the varying stages of childbirth can provide strength and reduce the experience of pain, while increasing your physical endurance. Find your way to breathe!

04. Movement

During childbirth, your body will want to move in completely new ways! Movement can be both meditative and strengthening for a pregnant body, in this section we practice positions that opens up in the pelvis and hips. Pingis and Dr Hildur also practice finding new ways to relax in the body.

05. Sound

Sound has an incredible effect on our nervous system, it is calming and can amplify power. It has been used in various cultures throughout the ages for healing. Practice before the delivery by making sounds!

06. Get pregnant

How do you increase your chances of getting pregnant? Since the 70s, the sperm quality of men in the western world has halved, what is the reason? Concrete tips on how to optimize for babies!

07. To tear

The fear of tearing is something most pregnant women share. What is the biggest risk and how can it be prevented?

08. Fear

Fear of pain, fear of tearing and anxiety about losing control are common emotions before childbirth. Fear, like pain, triggers the nervous system for fight-or-flight responses. Dr. Hildur explains how we can maximize the hormone oxytocin which helps us return to recovery and security.

09. Late cord clamping

Early cord clamping, late cord clamping and extremely late cord clamping. What is the difference, what is the standard in Swedish hospitals, and do you have to make an active decision about it?

10. Couple exercises

In this episode, we follow Pingis and her husband David in exercises where you as an accompanying partner in the delivery room can help your partner in severe pain and how to help the mother to maximize the rest between contractions for the best recovery.

11. The fitting room for pain

Learn to handle the pain and prepare for childbirth. Dr. Hildur has developed a “training arena” with practical exercises for how you can relax your body when it really hurts. Test yourself and discover which methods will help you best!

Prepare for the summer
Prepare for the summer

Are you expecting a summer child with a due date in the holiday season?

If you are planning to order our help with the collection, make sure to order well in advance of your due date.

We, like other companies, have limited staff during the holidays. We hope you can sympathise with this!