Fetal microchimerism
How an unborn baby’s cells can pass to the mother’s body during pregnancy, stay there for decades and help her resist neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

AI helps scientists understand how a declining population of stem cells contributes to aging
The application of artificial intelligence in medical research is on the rise. In some of the recent research, advanced computer algorithms are being used to figure out why we age.

Ghost hearts could relieve the shortage of donor organs
Tailor-made organs for human heart transplants using a patient’s own stem cells. This could mean an end to all organ shortages and anti-rejection drugs, as well as a revolution in cardiovascular surgery.

Cancer and Alzheimer's disease, two sides of the same coin
“Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease are like two sides of the same coin. The mechanisms are very similar, but the opposite of each other,” says Maria Ankarcrona, researcher at Karolinska Institutet’s Alzheimer’s Center in Huddinge.

Interview in the magazine Kids & Family with one of our Cellaviva families
“As a becoming mother, you want to be able to sign a contract with ‘the existence’ that nothing terrible can happen to your child. Unfortunately, reality does not look like that and we live in a time where life factors and the environment affect life “, answers Anja to the question why they believe that stem cell saving was an important step at the birth of their daughter.

What do atomic bombs and stem cells have in common?
The people exposed to nuclear fallout from the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II suffered catastrophic health problems long after the actual explosions, which led researchers (who were looking for cures) to make an incredible discovery.

Allogeneic cell therapy has once again shown efficacy in type 1 diabetes
“Our vision is to improve treatment options for thousands, maybe millions of patients and reducing healthcare costs with the aid of stem cell therapy.” Mathias Svahn, CEO of Cellaviva and NextCell Pharma.