Why did I, as a future grandfather, choose to give my daughter and my son-in-law a stem cell collection / storage via Cellaviva Denmark?
The answer for me is relatively simple. I saw it as an insurance policy for my future grandson. An insurance that is currently known to cover in some situations, but where you can also expect with reasonable certainty that the coverage will be extended to completely new areas in the future.
Comparing a stem cell storage with an insurance may sound strange, but basically for me it’s about making sure my granddaughter has a guarantee that she can make stem cells with a perfect match available sometime in the future, if at all. at some point should become necessary in connection with the treatment of some form of disease.
When I first became acquainted with the concept of stem cells, it immediately piqued my interest.
In my search for further knowledge about research and treatment of various types of stem cell diseases, it quickly became clear to me that storing stem cells would be great way to secure my grandson against possible treatment in the future.
I was therefore in no doubt when I got the news that I was going to be Grandpa. Ensuring my grandson the opportunity to have access to his or her own stem cells was obvious, and I therefore chose to donate a stem cell collection to my daughter and son-in-law in connection with the birth in January 2021.
The choice fell on Cellaviva Denmark, because via their website and a single conversation on the phone, I had no doubt that they were the right people for the job.
Ordering the package was simple via the website, and my daughter and son-in-law have subsequently told about the good experience it was that one of Cellaviva’s Danish midwives was present at the birth itself to carry out the actual collection of stem cells.
I would at all times recommend future grandparents and parents to ensure their children the opportunities that stem cells can provide in the future, Claus klarup concludes