
Type 1 diabetes treatment with umbilical cord stem cells

NextCell expects ProTrans to be an effective treatment for autoimmune diseases

NextCell expects ProTrans to be an effective treatment for autoimmune diseases, other inflammatory conditions and in transplant reactions following organ transplantation.

The drug candidate ProTrans is a stem cell product with umbilical cord cells. The cells are carefully selected with NextCell’s patent pending selection algorithm. NextCell’s cleanroom lab performs a variety of experiments to evaluate the function of cells and how they affect the immune system. Results are entered i the selection algorithm that calculates the cells’ combined ability to attenuate an overactive immune system through multiple mechanisms of action.

ProTrans – biological intelligence

The immune system consists of a variety of cell types that are activated or inactivated by a variety of signaling molecules. In autoimmune diseases, the balance has been disrupted and the immune system attack the body’s own cells. The molecular cause is usually unknown and varies between individuals and can change over time. ProTrans utilizes the body’s own way of restoring the balance, ie with stem cells. ProTrans contains stem cells that can sense what the molecular cause of autoimmunity is and secrete signaling molecules to counteract the inflammation.

ProTrans – industrially designed cell therapy

With experience from the pharmaceutical industry, NextCell has developed ProTrans to reach all the way to the patient. Stem cells from umbilical cord can be grown in extremely large quantities and the availability of raw materials is virtually unlimited. ProTrans treatment is simple and safe and can be done at the local health center. ProTrans is delivered frozen in a small stem cell bag. After 3 minutes, ProTrans is thawed and can be paired with a standard infusion bag. The saline solution and the stem cells are gently mixed before being given as an infusion in the bend of the arm. The treatment becomes cost-effective because NextCell can produce large production batches, store the ProTrans frozen while waiting for use and the treatment can be given easily.

The company’s competence and strength lies, among other things, in the selection algorithm and the analyzes done to select optimal stem cells for the production of ProTrans. Scientific evidence, good biomarkers and, above all, the right partners are of the utmost importance when NextCell now evaluates which disease should be tested with ProTrans next. An entrepreneurial company with limited resources is dependent on collaborating with others who share the vision of finding effective treatments for complex and currently incurable diseases.

Read more about ProTrans here

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