Stem Cell storage and analysis
Choose and customize your service
We offer a wide range of options for you to choose from. You decide which stem cells you wish to preserve and how they are to be collected. The duration of their storage and the payment plan that suits you best.
The examples listed below illustrate what our packages can include.
Please note that a one-time fee of SEK 1,500 will be charged via invoice when you order our service. This fee covers the cost of sterile equipment, materials, delivery, and manual administration. It is a non-refundable deposit.
Tissue + Blood
Monthly payment for 36 months
- 24/7 access to medical telephone support
- Stem cells from umbilical cord blood
- Stem cells from umbilical cord tissue
- Medical courier transport of cells to the laboratory
- Screening of infectious diseases by maternal blood test
- Microbiological analysis of the cord blood
- Microbiological analysis of the cord tissue
- Determine ABO and Rh blood group of the Child
Only Tissue
Monthly payment for 36 months
- 24/7 access to medical telephone support
- Stem cells from umbilical cord blood
- Stem cells from umbilical cord tissue
- Medical courier transport of cells to the laboratory
- Screening of infectious diseases by maternal blood test
- Microbiological analysis of the cord blood
- Microbiological analysis of the cord tissue
- Determine ABO and Rh blood group of the Child
Only Blood
Monthly payment for 36 months
- 24/7 access to medical telephone support
- Stem cells from umbilical cord blood
- Stem cells from umbilical cord tissue
- Medical courier transport of cells to the laboratory
- Screening of infectious diseases by maternal blood test
- Microbiological analysis of the cord blood
- Microbiological analysis of the cord tissue
- Determine ABO and Rh blood group of the Child
* If you are expecting twins, you will receive a 50% discount for one of the twins.
* When you customize your service in the checkout, you can also choose to pay in advance for your storage and receive up to 50% discount on your storage fee.
Our laboratory is among the most recognized in the world
Guarantee of viable stem cells
Cellaviva, as the only stem cell bank in the Nordic region, ensures that your child’s stem cells are viable, of the highest quality and ready for delivery in a few days. Unlike other stem cell banks, we have a long laboratory process, that ensures only viable stem cells are frozen. That’s why we’re not the cheapest on the market. In return, you get a guarantee of viable stem cells in your deposit.
Due to our quality assurance, it takes up to 3-5 months to complete our laboratory processes and ensure the quality and vitality of the cells.

Prices and packages
We offer 3 different categories of stem cell saving. We always recommend the Tissue + Blood package, as both types of stem cells play key roles in regenerative medicine and each works in its own way.
The umbilical cord blood contains the blood-forming cells that can form blood components in the blood, such as red and white blood cells as well as platelets. Umbilical cord blood stem cells are already being used as standard treatment for more than 80 fatal diseases.
Stem cells from the umbilical cord tissue can form bone, cartilage and tissue cells as well as brain tissue, heart tissue, and more. In addition, research points to the fact that umbilical cord stem cells will revolutionize the treatment of degenerative disorders in the future.
Are you still in doubt as to why it is a good idea to store your baby’s stem cells?
In our extended FAQ we have compiled a wide range of relevant questions and answers to help you make a decision, and we are also writing articles regularly, that goes into depth with research and treatment with stem cells.